Welfare Reform
Glasgow’s Poverty Leadership Panel is working to address some of the issues connected to poverty in Glasgow. One of the themes they have highlighted as a priority is supporting people deal with welfare reform. The Panel has organised the production of “What you need to know” post cards and pocket guides and an Appeals Pack.
Click on the What you need to know link to read this useful information along with links to further details.
How to appeal a benefit decision
If you are not happy with a benefit decision, or if you have been sanctioned, it is important to appeal the decision as quickly as possible. All the information you need to start an appeal is here
Welfare Reform – What you need to know
The information below has been printed as postcards and a more detailed version as a pocket guide. Copies of these and the Appeals Pack will be available in Glasgow libraries, doctors' surgeries, social work offices, and other places you might go.
Bedroom Tax/Housing - The bedroom tax doesn’t apply to you if you’re old enough to receive pension credits. Everyone else should consider applying for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP). For more information phone 0141-287-5050.
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) - While in the “Support Group” you don’t need to take part in any job-seeking activities. If you think you’re in the “Work-Related Activity Group” by mistake, you should appeal.
Sanctions - You should appeal all Jobseeker’s Allowance and Employment Support Allowance sanctions to protect your future income.
Council Tax Reduction - This has replaced Council Tax Benefit but has stricter rules. To report changes in circumstances or to claim phone 0141-287-5050.
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - People under 65 are being re-assessed and moved from DLA to PIP in the next few years.
Reviews and appeals - You have to ask the DWP for a review (called a reconsideration) before you can appeal most decisions about your benefits.
Debts - If you’re struggling to pay your bills, you can contact Glasgow Advice and Information Network (GAIN) for free advice on 0800 801 1011.
Credit unions - Go to a credit union to avoid payday loans and other expensive forms of credit.
Disability - If you have a disability, you can claim Attendance Allowance (AA), or the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP). You can still claim DLA for children with a
disability who are under 16.
Click the links below for versions that will work on your printer.